Nanotechnology in Petroleum Industries
High Temperature High Pressure Water Shutoff Chemical System Based on Nanocomposites
The objective of this project is to develop in house sand gels sealants that are applicable for Saudi Aramco field conditions, which can reduce overall cost by using an abundant resource such as sand.
The goal of the proposed work is to develop a thermally and mechanically stable sealant that can be placed into a large fracture that is producing sufficient amount of water into the oil well.
Research program centers on discovering novel high performance sand gel sealant with enhanced mechanical properties for water shut-off treatment

Prof.Edreese Alsharaeh
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

Energy Storage Li-S, LIB and NIB Batteries
Main objective is Development of solid-state LiS pouch cell based on the novel cathode materials which developed by Alfaisal University.
The development of Pouch cell prototype (LIS) and tested at high temperature (up to 150ºC)
Results from LIB and LSB, Co3O4/graphene/h-BN is good candidate for high temperature applications in SIB and KIB. According to the structural stability Co3O4/graphene/h-BN is good electrode for electrochemical application SIB and KIB

Prof.Edreese Alsharaeh
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

C Microgrids and EV Projects – Sustainable Development Initiative
The Joint Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles R&D Center (JSEC) hosts several projects that develop know-how, training, and novel research.
The following projects have R&D Setups at TRL 4
Boeing Solar Car Project: R&D and knowhow in EE, ME, and SE modules, HQP skills training for AU graduates, and platform for innovative design.
Battery Energy Storage Systems: Developed testbeds for novel active balancing and for battery management in EVs and Microgrids.
DC Microgrid testbed: Currently in its 3rd lab-scale version allowing for the integration of renewables in independent localized power grids.
PV Modeling and Control project: Demonstrated a new practical identification method that enables optimal power operation.

Dr. Ahmed Oteafy
Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering

Virtual porous media simulation: Application to oil extraction optimization
Flow simulation through porous media is a hot topic in Computation Fluid dynamic, with a plethora of industrial applications. Two major fields are of big importance to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, oil extraction and filters design for water desalination.
In practice porous media are considered as uniform blocks and then Darcy law, for instance, is used to estimate a pressure drop. This project aims to represent the porous media by a virtual structure and then no need to create a physical CADs, this will improve sensitively the accuracy of the simulation. As an impact, this approach will provide a powerful tool to improve oil extraction techniques and filter design used in desalination process.

Prof. Lakhdar Remaki
Department of Mathematics
College of Science